Monday 8 September 2014

Eight Kinds of Friends You Should Have

I DO NOT really have seven hundred and something 'friends' (don't believe Facebook), but the few I have more than make up for the hypothetical friendship vacuum in my life (not to brag or anything).  

That might just be because I have all the  kinds of friends everyone should have. Here is a definitive (yeah, take my word for it) list of the kinds of friends you should have, people:

1. The one with whom you can be immature silly, no matter how old you get.

2. The one who never stops loving and contacting you even when you unfairly cut them off.

3. The one who brings you back down to earth.

4. The one who knows how to drag the smile out of you when you're just not in the mood.

5. The one who  stays sturdy  for you when things fall apart in your life (one too many times).

6. The one who always bails you out, sometimes also known as 'dad!' *wink*

7. The one who understands your idiosyncrasies and is totally fine with them.

8. The one who knows you so well they know when you're bullshitting not being honest.

Even as I write this I realise that some of my friends are all of these kinds in one, I only hope I'm at least one of these kinds of friends for them.

So,  thanks for putting up with me guys and dad... oh, and mum too :)

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