Saturday 7 December 2013

My Pet Peeve - The Backbite and Frontsmile

I rarely get surprised by human behaviour. In fact, I pride myself on being a pseudo psychologist, which then somehow (operational word) qualifies me to accurately (well, at least half the time) predict and explain behaviour. I beg you, though, don't ask me to guess what you're thinking next time you see me or get in touch with me, you just might be the subject of my next rant.

One thing always gets me though, every time! That is the ability of people to say bad things behind a person's back and then be extra nice to their face. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr (I'd go on, but I'm seeing doublessss).

What prompted me to rant about this, apart from years of being surprised and annoyed by this... this... 'thing', was a programme I attended last weekend (well, there goes the anonymity of this story). Moving on... there was a lady at the programme who was quite normal in my estimation. On one of the days, she was running late and a discussion ensued about her that I was 'privileged' to observe. She was described in such terms as kooky,  fibber, unfortunate,  and so on; but when she showed up minutes later, the very same individuals that were on the forefront of the campaign against her were the first to talk about being worried about her, and love, kisses and hugs, and all that jazz (I exaggerate, of course, but you get the gist).

There are two things that immediately go through my mind when something like this happens:
1. I wonder what they say behind my back
2. Why? What? Wh...? 

I think what annoys me most is the acting all friendly afterwards. I am not excusing backbiting but I would expect that if you can't either shut up or say the negative things to the person's face then do not act all lovey-dovey with them. 

Also, about saying negative things to someone's face (or to their inbox and other such personal correspondence facilities on social media), it's not really as bad as it's made to be. If you were someone like me, that person would be your favourite person. Well, right after your parents, siblings, that uncle and aunt that call ever so often to make sure you're still alive, the funny guy on YouTube that just cracks you up, the toothless old woman that smiles at you at the bus-stop, the ... (see what it's like to be me?).

As long as you don't say it in such a nasty way, I don't see why that shouldn't be an option. Let me say this again (albeit differently) - people who can say negative (but true) stuff about me to my face are the people I respect the most... well, right after my parents, my siblings, that uncle and aunt that call ever so often to make sure I'm still alive, the funny guy on Youtube that just cracks me up, the toothless old woman that smiles at me at the bus stop.... 

That's it for now. Rant over. Time to wait for the next surprising episode of Backbite, Frontsmile. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

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