Saturday 20 April 2013

A Rant about Scholarships

Okay, this really is a rant about scholarships - specifically applying for and not getting it.

I mean, I do appreciate that there might (the operational word is 'might') be people that are more worthy of the scholarship than me, but... hey, all is fair in love and .... No, that's not the quote for this rant. Wait, why is there even a quote for this rant? I already feel I'm digressing.

Back to my rant. Anyone who's ever applied for a scholarship knows how difficult it is not to get it.
You know you were worth it, you know your proposal was strong enough, you know you met the criteria... so why in the world did they pass up on you? Was there some wizened professor who spread snot on your personal statement section? Did your application slip into a shredder before it could be assessed? Who was that person who was more qualified than you? Why... there are so many questions, and no answers.

Personally, I do not believe in coincidence and so I believe everything happens for a reason, but it doesn't stop the resultant anger, confusion, and the whole avalanche of rant-inducing emotions that you suffer.

Don't think I have not tried other avenues to come up with money on my own. Believe me, I have tried all possible (moral, I should add) avenues; many of them utterly laughable - business ideas that have fallen as flat as pancakes, working overtime with the few pennies it adds to my already meager savings, attempting to sell personal belongings, even random thoughts about busking (it definitely gives another meaning to 'it's the thought that counts'). Lest I forget, there's even trying to win the lottery!

All I know is that this year will not pass me by, by fire by force!

That's the spirit we ought to adopt though, isn't it? I mean, what are the alternatives?

I guess all I have to do now is wait for some philanthropist to accidentally stumble on this blog and 'reach out' *wink, wink*.

I wonder if I should post my phone number... just in case!


  1. I never knew you had a great sense of Humor.
    I guess I am now your fan. Talking about scholarship, sure you would get one, just keep applying to several ones around you.

    1. Thanks, Ebenezer. I'll definitely keep trying. BTW, you shouldn't GUESS you are my fan, be SURE you are my fan ;)
